Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Power Points

I really do not pay too much attention to how power points look as long as they have the right information and they look appealing. Reading these articlas though let me know that there is more to a power point than meets the eye.

1. Do not read the slide word for word. It is better to go with the flow and get the point across rather than read a powerpoint word for word from a power point with tons of information.
2. Do not hand out written stuff at the beggining of the presentation. Rather than listening to your slides people will be reading the paper that you gave them.
3.Do not bullet anything on your slides. This is the most boring thing to see in a slide, use something other than the dot, seriously.
4.Try not to use the exact layout that microsoft gives you, everyone has seen it before and if you use somethign that is more original it will be sure to catch someones eye.
5.Be very particular about the images that you use, some images can be too detail and people will just look at those instead of listening to you. So pick good and very clear images that get your point across and are there for a reason.

These are some tips that I gathered together that I think contribute to a good powerpoint.

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